Saturday, February 3, 2007

Apostolic Amnesia

How forgetful we are becoming.

Freedom has a way of purging the mind of negative experiences. It's the reason why when some are set free from the tentacles of a ghetto, liberated from the abuse of a relationship or released from the dehumanizing effects of incarceration that they forget where they came from and even worse, who they left behind.

Christians are not exempt from this type of behavior, in fact, we are notoriously known for our speedy memory loss. Consider the words of this passage:

"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."-Hebrews 13:3

I think we are having a hard time reaching the world because we have amensia or Aposotlic Alzheimers; we don't remember what it feels like to be bound by sin and attached to others fettered by sin. Perhaps this is why the world has a hard time relating to us...our salvation has erased the black and blue marks of sin's shackles and we no longer have memory of our imprisonment. We insulate ourselves from the people we endeavor to reach by being emotionally disconnected. Mary Mary's infectious hit single "Shackles/Praise You" captures the mood of many in Christian circles who simply want to dance, celebrate and shout because God set us free when our celebration should also include an expression of praise for the opportunity to liberate others.

How can we reach the world if we don't remember what it feels like to be bound with them?

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